Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Plans Change...

After a fantastic week of being an ambassador at the 2011 Canada Wide Science Fair everything was in place to get the ride started, except for the fact that I was really sick… Seems like you can do all the planning you want, but the unexpected will still happen. So Daffyd (my right hand man for this trip, and captain of the coach car) and I decided we needed to be flexible and change the route a bit. We drove from Toronto to Duluth, which gave me 3 days to try and recover, and I will bike from Duluth to Seattle. Unfortunately I am still sick, but here we are in Duluth so I will do my best and start biking today. I’ve always thought that if you do your best, then you can look back afterwards and be satisfied knowing you did all you could; because that all one can ever do :)

1 comment:

  1. And All You CAN do is enough !! Onward to your goal for a MOST worthy Cause Michael !!! Keeping you in my heart & in prayer. Hugs L
